I want to document more about what goes on in my life so that when I get old and feeble I'll be able to somehow remember what I've done in my life. Hopefully I will document more on this blog than I documented in my boys' baby books. I sucked at that. B.I.G. time. So, my goal is to blog at least once a week! That's my goal and I'm gonna stick to it!
First, I want to start with my New Years' Resolutions. ALWAYS at the top of my list is diet and exercise. I want to get this weight off of me. THIS year. I have slacked at exercising in 2012 and my weight has crept back on me. I want to get back to exercising every morning and then possibly back to running. I want to eat clean - no more junk food or sweets. I think the more sweets and junk food I eat the more I crave them! So, I'm cutting them out. My goals for the first two items on my Resolutions list are:
DIET: Cut out all sweets and junk food. Eat nothing but veggies, fruit and lean meats. I may allow a "Sugar Day" on Saturday or Sunday.
My weekly goal is to hopefully lose two pounds a week.
My monthly goal is to aim for 10 pounds a month.
EXERCISE: Exercise every morning either by 5 mile power walking with Leslie Sansone (I burn about 550 calories doing this), or elliptical for 30-45 minutes. I would love to add in walking during lunch hour for at least 3 days during the week. I would also love to bring back some running in the evening.
My weekly goal is to exercise every morning, walk 3 days a week during lunch and to bring back running in the evenings maybe two evenings a week.
My monthly goal is to increase my exercise time, miles walked and miles ran.
So, this is the beginning of my list. I will be adding more that I want to do. I have such great plans for 2013!!
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