Monday, March 24, 2014


I lost my first five pounds!! I weighed in Saturday morning at 192 pounds, which is a 5.4 pound loss in one week!  I am so excited and so proud!!  It's hard work but it's worth it!

I keep envisioning what I will feel like and look like when I get to my goal weight.  I keep reminding myself how healthy I will be and how healthier I am getting each and every day.  I'm seeing so much change in my body now from going to the gym every day and losing even just that 5.4 pounds!

My struggles this past week were:

1.  Last night our youth at church went bowling and we have bowling, pizza and soda while we bowl.  I went bowling, ordered a chef salad without dressing and croutons and brought my own water bottle full of water and a slice of lemon.  I was so proud of myself for not grabbing a slice of pizza because it smelled soooooooooo YUMMY!!!! BUT.. I went home feeling great and woke up feeling even greater by knowing that I have stayed on track and have eaten clean and healthy!  

So far that's the ONLY struggle I had this week, and it really wasn't a struggle for me - just a test of what I will have to face on a day to day basis and I passed the test! I went to Planet Fitness every single day this week except for yesterday, Sunday, but I bowled for about 3 hours Sunday night, so I got in my exercise! 

My goal is to lose 5 pounds a week.  My goal is to get a 5 pound star each and every week for as long as I can, which is hopefully for at least 8 weeks.  Wouldn't that be nice? Yes, Lisa.  That would be nice!!  I am on my way!!

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